Zombies rule and Snowbooks rules and everything's brilliant • 30 July 2007 • The SnowBlog

Zombies rule and Snowbooks rules and everything's brilliant


Oh happy day! Hello everyone! Hello!

*Maybe* I've had a little bit too much coffee. *Maybe* I'm just having a good start to the week. *Maybe* I had a nice weekend walk at Rob's in the countryside. *Maybe* I'm slightly overwhelmed by how many good books we suddenly have - Needle, Plunge, City Cycling, Book of Names. *Maybe* the fact that two cheques have cleared this morning at a higher exchange rate than I thought would be applied is like free money, and everyone likes free money. *Maybe* my discovery of 13 reviews that average out at four and a half stars of Monster Island just now has tipped me over the edge! 

Let's hope the day carries on like this!  


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