Singing u-k-ippy-ippy-aye • 27 March 2007 • The SnowBlog

Singing u-k-ippy-ippy-aye


Hooray, I've been shortlisted for the new UKYPY Nibbie - the Young Publisher of the Year 2007. Guess which is the best part of that? Clue: anything that makes me not feel old is a good thing. 

I have to meet the judges at the London Book Fair, and say wise things about how wise I am. The winner gets to go to India on a placement for 6 weeks. We could do a competition to get someone in to cover for me at Snowbooks - do the bookkeeping, answer the phone, that manner of thing. What's the worst that could happen? In fact probably I wouldn't be missed in the slightest and everything would carry on as normal. In fact, everything would get *more* efficient because I wasn't around, poking my nose into things and interrupting the whole time. Sigh. 

Anyway - hooray! Shortlisted! Young! Hooray!  


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