Review round up • 3 December 2007 • The SnowBlog

Review round up


Loads of reviews

I mean penguins

They're coming in thick and fast - you might say like a flurry, or blizzard, or snowstorm (oh, you already got it) - so here is a round up of reviews. Leila's How to Worry Friends is proving popular - it's in Time Out (there's a nice picture of it as part of a stack in the printed edition. It does stand out beautifully - I was in Borders the other day and it positively glowed on the Secret Santa promotional table). How to worry is also reviewed here (note the comedy typo) and there's a super interview with The Author Herself on Dollymix. And then also on FGTG there's a gift feature of Cooking w' Booze. Tis the season to be most jolly, no?


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