I'm not a religious person, and have in fact been known to say things which upset religious people on occasion* (though not through any wish to distress them), but I have to say that if I were in the market for a religion, I think I'd be taking a long, hard look at being a Quaker. They're peaceful (which I feel Jesus was more than clear about) and tolerant, and egalitarian and non-hierarchical and all in all pretty groovy. What's more, their beliefs fit pretty well with what I thought Christianity was all about when I attended lots of Sunday School: peace, love, acceptance, humility and being a good egg. And check this Wikepedia excerpt out: "many Quakers believe that the depth of [a] loving relationship is more important than [the] genders involved". Now that's some good religion. Not sure about the god aspect, but everything else gets a thumbs-up. They even eschew designer labels. I think Quakers are people I could really respect. Assuming my endorsement counts for anything. *Though goodness knows you can't avoid upsetting some religious group whatever you believe. Oops, there I go again.Quaker William Penn - invented Pennsylvania