Random bullet points • 17 May 2009 • The SnowBlog

Random bullet points

* Am I missing something? People are much more annoyed that MPs put a flat-screen telly on expenses than that they illegally invaded a Middle East country? * Dollhouse has been renewed for a second (cheaper) season. Hopefully they'll get the kinks out now. *John Lewis have exclusive UK rights to sell the red version of the Sony e-book reader. But bizarrely their sexy gadgets catalogue in the Sunday papers calls it a 'portable audiobook' and suggests you need headphones for it. (It'll play MP3s but that's hardly its function.) Strange to get an exclusive deal on a device you don't understand. * If you saw in the news that a place that trains firefighters caught light - and most of the fire damage was to their collection of fire engines (oops) - you might like to know that's where my local gym is. Finally, a satisfactory excuse for not going - at least until they tidy up.


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