Note to self • 2 April 2008 • The SnowBlog

Note to self

It's highly unlikely that anyone except me will find this useful. But I have to admit that sometimes I use this blog to make a note just for myself to refer back to later. Evil, I know. Anyway, if you want to know some arcane function in Excel, click on. This: =IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(F42,Sheet1!B:F,5,FALSE)),"-",VLOOKUP(F42,Sheet1!B:F,5,FALSE)) is very handy. A normal IF function looks like this: =IF(VLOOKUP(F54,Sheet1!B:F,5,FALSE),VLOOKUP(F54,Sheet1!B:F,5,FALSE),"-") That means: IF the Vlookup function is true, return the result of the Vlookup, otherwise return a dash in the cell. It looks more complicated than it is - it's simply saying if(this logical test is),(true, return this value),(false, return this value). However, if the test returns an #N/A, you have to manually delete the cell, because it won't sum if it's in a range of cells that needs to be summed. And in a scale out, which is what I mainly use Vlookups for nowadays, that takes about a minute. A minute that I could be profitably using looking out of the window, or petting the cats. So naturally it must be eliminated. So by inserting an ISERROR function as in =IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(F42,Sheet1!B:F,5,FALSE)),"-",VLOOKUP(F42,Sheet1!B:F,5,FALSE)) You can get rid of the #N/As automatically. Magic! Oh, no-one's reading this. Em of the future, when you search for this post next time you do a scale out: just remember that the ISERROR function will get rid of those annoying #N/As.


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