My weekend • 18 August 2008 • The SnowBlog

My weekend

          You know when you've been hill walking for a weekend, and when you shut your eyes at night all you can see is maps? All I can see when I shut my eyes is piles of slipcases: 

tab6.jpg Yes, this weekend was slipcase assembly weekend! A few weeks back, the author of The Affinity Bridge, George Mann, came over and signed and numbered, like a true pro, 500 copies. 


Then, once all the necessaries had all been delivered (from Newcastle! America! Hong Kong! Yeovil! A truly international project) I set to assembling. First, remove the specially minted brass coins from their annoying plastic wallets: 


I really feel for pirates, sometimes. Managing all those gold coins is tricky.


Next, insert coins into darling velvet pouches: 



Finally, assemble book/coin/pouch/slipcase combo: 


Revel in finished product: 

tab 1.jpg




One of these signed limited editions of George Mann's steampunk adventure, The Affinity Bridge, complete with specially minted double sided coin in a velvet pouch and an exclusive short story, The Hambleton Affair, signed and numbered by the author and strictly limited to 500 copies, can be yours for 30. And they're going fast (whoopee for me and George, but be quick). Drop me a line!  


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Half-hearted »