My day in numbers • 26 July 2007 • The SnowBlog
My day in numbers
2637 - is the number of junk emails I've had since this time yesterday
28 - is the number of real emails I have to answer today
416 - is the number of images I had to manually place in InDesign yesterday
1 - is the number of Christmas books I have sent to the printer
1 - is also the number of teeth that I currently have a slight toothache in
1 - is also the number of boats that have just been towed past my window. Odd.
6 - is the number of Christmas books I have to send to the printer by tomorrow
85% - or thereabouts is the likelihood of that happening.
15 - is the number of requests I've had for a review copy of City Cycling and I haven't even written a press release yet
25 - is the total number of books ordered from our website so far since I put the google checkout buttons on. A modest start, but a start nonetheless
8,4,7,8,2,2,7,4,10,5,1 is the number of tasks I have in the categories of Book production, Editorial, Finance, IT, PR, Print, Sales, Design services, Strategy/process, Suppliers, UK Reviewers.
8 is the number of manuscripts I have to read (because lovely Anna reads most of them)
3 is the number of cheques that should clear today
5 is the number of days until month end = money in from LBS (the following week)!
2 is the number of coffees I've had so far.
1 is the number of coffees I'm going to go and get now.
10, on a scale of 1-10, is how excited I am about the upcoming day. Nothing particularly special happening but, I tell you, it's *bloody lovely* to have your own company.