Lists • 30 October 2007 • The SnowBlog


Ah, lists. They rule my life. It's OK, though - I like them. I particularly like lists of things where the things are people who've done good things, and I'm one of the people. It's embargoed til the 25th, so I'm not allowed to tell you, but I had a phone call today saying I'm on a list that will be announced in November. It's not huge or anything, but it's sure nice to be listed. Hint 1: it will be announced in a Sunday paper. Hint 2: oh, email me if you really want to know and I'll tell you, but you're not to write it up anywhere. //em's update: and it's not Richard and Judy or a book prize. It's just about me me me//
Rob's update: Em (fidgeting): So can I tell people? Person: No. Em: Well, can I blog about about how I'm not allowed to tell anyone? Person: Errrrrrr...


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