Is currently out of the office. • 13 April 2008 • The SnowBlog

Is currently out of the office.

So it's the London book fair tomorrow, through to Wednesday. The thought of talking non-stop for three days is a bit exhausting, but I always get into the swing of things when I get there. Every year I resolve to keep my diary entirely open so I can benefit from catching people's eye as they walk past the stand, or have a stroll around the other stalls to pinch ideas gain inspiration. Again I've failed, since almost every half hour meeting slot is full. When, I wonder, will I powder my nose on Monday? Questions, questions. I wish I could remember whether Earl's Court is really, really hot or really, really cold. I remember it's one of those two things, but not which one. Not very useful. Anyway, please don't phone or email me this week, if you can help it. I won't read my emails until Friday (I have to go for one of these ante-natal things on Thursday) and at the last glance I only have three hours of time when I'm not in pre-booked meetings for the whole of Mon-Weds, so I won't be returning any calls. Just send me positive, warm vibes for lots of lovely serendipitous conversations, massive book deals and general Snowbooks success!
Rob's comment: I'm going to be there too, in the afternoons. Just don't ask me about books or publishing. Any other topics, I'm happy to tackle.


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