I have internets! • 17 June 2008 • The SnowBlog

I have internets!

Hello, hello! I have a connection again! Hello! I NEVER want to go through that again. Over 48 hours of complete enforced separation from my beautiful internets. It's Tuesday night, and since Sunday I have not: - read any email - read the paper - blogged - read blogs - been able to amend my online to do list - printed anything (I couldn't download the drivers to set up the printer) - looked stuff up Think of the knowledge I won't have because of this awful hiatus. Thank heavens for Zen internet and their mighty ADSL service who got me online despite the best efforts of BT to balls things up (who I had to pay an extra 100 for the pleasure of bypassing their cock-up). Despite existing in the awful void I have, however, got frighteningly up to date with all my paperwork, which was about the only task I could do offline. I had 350 emails, but only 50 of those are important. So I'll be tackling them and their associated tasks first thing! Thanks for your patience, if you've been waiting for me! And thanks to Rob for coming over to my new house and setting up the server, ADSL filter (jacked into the master socket to eke a few more mbps out) and wireless network in record time. Clever, kind Rob. Oh, and by the way? Even though the exchange is 5 miles away, this connection is about the fastest I've ever had. Lots of pictures of new house and tales of moving will follow. Summary: it's all done, everything's unpacked, the artichokes and rhubarb are ready for picking and I'm in heaven. Gorgeous, silent countryside; fast internets; 3 minutes from the motorway; 13 minutes from the train station then a 55 minute journey to Marylebone; baby baking nicely; happy cats; perfect husband; idyllic cottage; business going well (except for a stupid returns request which I'm just not going to think about until tomorrow) - life is pretty perfect for me at the moment. Internet! I have internet! I'm going to do some gratuitous looking things up now. Because I Can.


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