Helps how? • 16 April 2009 • The SnowBlog

Helps how?

Just got a mailshot email from Business Link. 'Urgent support for failing businesses', it says. I am mildly interested. I mean, if they're sending out bags of money, might be worth reading on. So I do. It reads: "We have recently launched a new Rapid Response service to provide urgent help to established businesses struggling through the recession." Oh good. Nice to see. What is the nature of this urgent help, I wonder? Their idea of help, as I read on, is to provide help with dissolving your business. Oh. Oh that's just what a struggling business is most in need of. Well done The Government for being not only useless, but mildly offensive to boot. There are, in their defence, other sevices that they offer, like advice. Here's a fantastically useful piece: "One thing that is critical is to be on top of your financial performance and costs, managing cash flow and having proper systems to monitor these - dont take your eyes off that." I'm sorry to be rude, but - no shit? Honestly, it infuriates me that people think they're helping - and get paid for 'helping' - but in fact parrot the blindingly obvious. Take the advisor's salaries and gift it to companies in the form of short term interest free working capital loans - that would be of immeasurably more use.


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