For the coffee tables of the geeky • 30 April 2010 • The SnowBlog
For the coffee tables of the geeky
It's a little bit of a coincidence, but my previous post mentioned reading Heinlein books when I was a teenager. He wrote some pitched at grown-ups and some pitched at what I suppose we'd call the YA crowd now. I can remember how excited I was reading Have Spacesuit Will Travel, wondering if it were possible to have an adventure like that. And last night I happened to sit down to look at a book I bought in Manhattan when we attended Tools for Change there earlier this year. powerHouse Books of Brooklyn have produced an amazing looking art-book charting the development of high-altitude flying suits into something you could walk on the moon in. There are some excerpts here, but they don't really do justice to the objet d'art quality of the book. High quality photos on black satin paper - tricky to read the white words by the illumination of a bedside light, but nonetheless a remarkable book to hold in your hands.