EeeeeeeePod • 15 December 2006 • The SnowBlog



I don't know why audio makes things so much more exciting, but I'm thrilled to share this link to an interview with our own Anna about her book The Crafter's Companion on uber-famous (in crafty circles) Craftypod. She speaks about the genesis of the book, working with the various illustrious contributors, talking about why people craft (which can be for the joy of the finished product, and for the process itself). She also talks quite beautifully about the rise of the crafty blog and how this amazing online community has grown. Hey, and she says I am a Very Supportive Boss! 360 degree feedback right there!  


The SnowBlog is one of the oldest publishing blogs, started in 2003, and it's been through various content management systems over the years. A 2005 techno-blunder meant we lost the early years, but the archives you're reading now go all the way back to 2005.

Many of the older posts in our blog archive suffer from link rot. Apologies if you see missing links and images: let us know if you'd like us to find any in particular.

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