"Chutney - been off the taste map for a while." • 7 August 2008 • The SnowBlog

"Chutney - been off the taste map for a while."

I am quoting from one of the finest radio series to grace Radio 4 in years. It is called Fags, Mags and Bags and Rob and I are well on the way to knowing it off by heart. I would strongly, strongly recommend that you listen to the 6 episodes right now, this afternoon. Nothing you might be doing at work is more important than being on the receiving end of this fine entertainment. If you're really on the clock, I would probably recommend the 'Wall of Crisps' episode. Oh yes. Slightly low quality but perfectly listenable youtube version of Wall of Crisps episode here. Part 2. Part 3. Textbook shop, Dave, textbook shop.


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