...but more what it represents • 19 November 2007 • The SnowBlog
...but more what it represents
So, Amazon (US) are launching an e-book reader with one of those looks-like-paper screens similar to the one the Sony e-Reader has. It's called Kindle. Personally I think it looks rubbish - aesthetically I mean - and that screen looks a bit murky too, but you can't really tell from the available photos. I suppose the main thing is that it's Amazon who are doing it. That means they're not likely to run out of pennies or decide they don't care about the future of books any time soon. Interestingly, this one will have a data connection (like the one in your mobile phone that you never use) which will let it download new e-books on the move - and as I understand it, Amazon will pay the phone bills for that. Just thought you should know.