Boo • 2 May 2007 • The SnowBlog


Boo, I didn't win the young publisher thing. But congrats to Clare C. of The Friday Project who did. Oh well - at least I don't have a hangover as I had to get up early today to get back to London to go to Norwich to launch Sarah's Needle In the Blood - hooray! Also, it means I don't have to be away for a month and a half - which was part of the prize. I'm sure it would have been fascinating, but six weeks in India, when I can't usually find a spare five minutes, would have been a bit of a challenge. Plus I start every plane ride believing that it's going to end in a firey fireball of fire, so hooray on that count too. (I suppose it is possible to read all this as 'don't want no stupid award anyway' bad grace, but I prefer to see it as looking on the bright side.) Anyway, you should get back to work. Gill and I won't get back from Norwich until gone midnight, so more tomorrow.


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